So have you ever had that one friend that says that they will always be there but never are. Im sure we all a friend or two like that. Well I have one that says she will do this and that for me and will always be there for me and then when it comes down to it she lies and makes us crappy excuses as to why she cant do something. Today was my breaking point. I might not be a lot of thing, but I do consider myself a good friend. i am always there when someone needs me weather it may be 2 in the afternoon or in the morning. But when it comes time for someone to be there for me I get crapped on. I am so fed up with people being there and me being walked all over. So today I stood up to the person that I had the problem, and can I say that is feels so much better. I dont care if i dont have friends at all, it is better than getting used and being hurt all the time. I dont really have a strong relationship with my family so my friends are pretty much my family,and if I cant depend on the when I really need them then what is the point, ya know? So from today on iam taking a stand and will not be pushed around or walked on anymore, and if that hurts people then Im sorry, But I only need people in my life that need me in theirs! :)